Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Last Preparations

The time is near!

Two days until I head to India. This week I've been packing, gathering the final details about where I will be staying (an apartment in New Delhi), asking for last-minute advice on what to bring (and what not to bring!) with me, re-packing, finalizing details about my trip to Dhaka next week, and most importantly trying to spend time with my family.

It's been a pretty crazy week already, but I still feel like it's not 100% sunk in yet. I'm sure I'll get on the plane, and once all the pre-trip worries (did I remember to bring a pillow? sneakers? my phone?) and logistics (check in early to try to move to a decent seat! get suitcases wrapped in plastic!) fall away, the emotions will find their way through.

I am of course going to miss Kasia and the girls terribly (and of course all my family and friends here) - all the more reason to ensure we have three or four back-up plans for communications.

We've set up Skype on multiple devices, and I've pre-paid some minutes to get me started. Unlocked an old iPhone so that I can get a sim card in New Delhi. Apple FaceTime should work on WiFi where I can find it. Of course there's Facebook and Email for writing back and forth. Extra charging devices are packed to help during those pesky power outages.So I hope we have it all covered.

I am looking forward to getting there and getting settled, so that I can start working on my project. I'll be paired with a Fellow from another pharma company - first time we've had such a partnership! - so it should make for interesting work.

And I'm particularly excited that I'll have the chance to visit with several old friends whom I haven't seen in ages - at least I hope so! More on that later...

Anyhow, wish me luck! I have a loooong plane ride ahead of me.

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